What Can Companion Care Do For Your Family?


Living alone can increase the risk of depression, and unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. Depression also brings about several other issues. To avoid this, it is important to ensure that older adults are not left to stay alone. One of the ways to ensure that they always have someone to keep them company is by utilizing Montcordia’s companion care program. Our program will allow you or your aging loved one to keep up with social engagements, hobbies, and other important parts of their lives that may become increasingly harder to do without some help.

Below are three key benefits of companion care.

Improved Well-being

If you have a loved one who is older, it is important to ensure that they stay socially active, something that might be difficult for them to do on their own. This is quite important for their well-being and emotional health. Research shows that seniors who remain active socially usually have lower blood pressure and generally improved mental well-being. It has been shown that having a companion also decreases the chances of getting certain cancers, Alzheimer’s, and arthritis.

Better Chances of Adhering to Medicine

Most older adults end up taking at least five different prescription medications a day. Unfortunately, about half do not take their medications consistently. Failing to take medications as advised by doctors can lead to several issues, some of which end up requiring hospitalization. When your loved one is in companion care, there will be caregivers available to provide medication reminders. Thus increasing the chances of your loved ones adhering to their prescriptions and staying healthy.

Regular Exercise and Entertainment

Sometimes, it can be difficult to find the motivation to get up and be active.  With companion care, your loved ones will get the motivation they require to wake up each day and lead an active lifestyle. Leading an idle life can be plain boring!  Get active and exercise.  You will feel better plus it can also provide a source of entertainment.  With 50 million living with dementia worldwide and almost 10 million new cases each year, most older adults would benefit from having an active and entertaining environment. Montcordia’s care team members are passionate and dedicated to assisting your loved ones with achieving their goals of an active lifestyle.

Caregiving goes beyond medical assistance. At Montcordia, we strive to provide care that is most relevant to your personal needs. Professional companion support allows your family to focus on living well, not just care. Our team personalizes our strategy to you, our valued client. We treat your family as our own and our experienced staff works to go above and beyond for each individual we are trusted with. Montcordia’s Care Partners are seasoned companions, able to support you with the benefits mentioned earlier Montcordia has the Aging at home Maryland turns to. A brief consultation at https://montcordia.com/services/ is the next step in receiving the best companion care possible.